CPCS Sustainability Summary 2019 - 2020

People & Community CPCS believes that investing in human capital is critical to our success. We manage our people by attracting and nurturing talent, equipping them with the relevant skills to ensure their professional growth during their career with us. We strive to be a preferred employer in the airline catering industry by helping our employees to achieve their best. To this end, we encourage participative communication and collaboration to achieve effectiveness and drive innovation, along with the ability to adapt to an ever-changing environment. We aim to take care of the well-being of our people, and to see them thrive. Employees by Gender (%): 按性別劃分的員工 (%) : 39.2% (594) 60.8% (925) Female 女性 Male 男性 6.15 4.52 2019 2020 Training hours per employee (hrs): 每名員工的培訓時間 ( 小時 ) CPCS 相信持續投資於人力資本 , 是賴以成功的 重要關鍵 。 因此 , 我們致力吸引人才 , 培育他們 盡展所長 , 與時並進學習專業知識技能 , 與公司 一起成長 。 為了成為最理想的餐飲業僱主 , 讓員工發揮所長 , 我們鼓勵員工充份溝通協作 , 藉以提升工作效率 和推動創新 , 在瞬息萬變的商業世界中保持競爭 優勢 。 我們重視員工的全人發展 , 樂見他們盡展 潛能 , 在事業上奮鬥向前 。 人力資源與社區 1,671 1,519 2019 2020 No. of Employees: 員工人數 :